Our Mission

Tennis NWT is committed to the advancement of tennis in the Northwest Territories by stimulating participation and excellence in the sport at the local, territorial, provincial and national levels. Tennis NWT is dedicated to providing encouragement, support, leadership and opportunity to northern tennis enthusiasts through its many programs.

Our Values

Our Goals

  1. Encourage greater participation in tennis throughout the territory
  2. Develop and sustain structures that support the development of junior tennis at every level
  3. Provide opportunities to increase the number of coaches within the territory
  4. Promote the development of new facilities and foster the improvement of existing facilities
  5. Partner with organizations throughout the territory to increase the accessibility of tennis

board of directors

Nittin Gohil, President
Alex Godfrey, Vice-President
Slavica Jovic, Secretary
Shirley Zhang, Treasurer
Jim Martin, Yellowknife Community Representative
Dennis Bevington, Fort Smith Community Representative
Kace Hunter, Norman Wells Community Representative
Richard Daitch, Director
Anita Ogaa, Director
Jean Tuyishime, Director